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Writer's pictureBy The Rev. Kevin Caruso

Invite, Welcome, and Connect with Advent and Christmas Visitors to Your Church

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

By The Rev. Kevin Caruso

Rector. Trinity Church, Wheaton, Ill.

IWC Board Member

It is not even Thanksgiving yet and the Christmas displays are up in stores! Now, after a lead in like that, you might expect a litany of complaints about how our retail establishments have led us astray. Yet, for those involved in planning liturgies, formation classes, and community events, Advent and Christmas have probably been on our minds for some time. Maybe the cultural markers of this season popping up are a helpful reminder that Christmas and the months leading up to it are an important time of year. During this season the Church has a chance to connect, or in some cases reconnect, with people yearning for something sacred.


At Trinity (the congregation I serve), we are planning a service of Lessons and Carols, a Children’s Christmas Pageant, an Advent Formation series, an Advent Quiet Day, an Advent Brunch, a visit from Santa (who tells the story of the Nativity, Santa’s Favorite Story), a Christmas Sharing event, and Christmas Worship services. Now, the list of things your community does is likely different, but I am willing to bet that this season provides every community of faith with some incredible opportunities to share the Good News.


"Here is the thing: Invite Welcome Connect does not offer quick fixes or simple solutions. What it does is offer a way of thinking that helps us more faithfully share the Good News with others."

Whatever your community of faith already has planned, the framework provided by Invite Welcome Connect® can help make the most of these opportunities. Here is the thing: Invite Welcome Connect does not offer quick fixes or simple solutions. What it does is offer a way of thinking that helps us more faithfully share the Good News with others. Invite Welcome Connect reminds us to do the little things that matter. It invites us to be intentional about asking questions like:


·      How can we invite people to the events of the parish? Is there a way we can provide simple and easy-to-use resources to help members of our community make invitations (i.e. social media posts they can easily share, or postcards to hand out)?

·      Are there people in the surrounding community we can invite?

·      How do we make sure to provide an exceptional welcome to people when they come?

·      Are our worship bulletins designed with newcomers and guests in mind? Is it clear where the bathrooms are?

·      How do we create chances for deeper connection in our own community? Can we celebrate the ministry of individuals who lead us in acts of service?

·      Do you have a newer parishioner who can help you think about how to improve the welcome experience for others?


Now, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Just start by picking one way you can easily improve the Invitation, Welcome, or Connection you offer. Remember, we have Good News that is worth sharing, so let’s do what we can to Invite, Welcome and Connect others so that they too can have a life giving experience of the Love of God.

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